
VSS offers learners SUBJECT-WISE CERTIFICATIONS after successful completion of each subject which includes attending an exam that will be conducted physically at their local Arya Samaj centre.
Exams are conducted every year and learners would need to register separately for each exam at a nominal fee. The last Level I exams were conducted on 4th April, 2021 in 13 Centres across India and abroad.
LEVEL-WISE ‘VAIDIK DHARMA’ certifications are also offered for which students would need to appear for 4 papers comprising of compulsory and optional subjects. However, it is not compulsory to attempt all exams at the same time and learners can choose to write exams at their own pace.
Level-I ‘VAIDIK DHARMA’ certification would need to be completed before proceeding to Level- II, for which the assessment will include an online interview with senior panel members in addition to the written examinations.

Register for upcoming ‘Level – I & Level – II’ Exams
Exam Date – Sunday, 5th December, 2021
Last date for registration – Sunday, 31st October 2021

Register for upcoming ‘Level – I’ Exams
Exam Date – Sunday, 28th February, 2021
Last date for registration – Sunday, 31st January

Level – I & Level – II Exams for the below 6 subjects will be conducted in English
Dharma Shiksha | Spoken Sanskrit | Agnihotra | Mantras & Shlokas | Living Naturally | Vedic Mathematics

Exams will be conducted physically at local Arya Samaj and other similar centers across the country
(Venue options will be shared with applicants at a later date)

Sunday, 5th December, 2021 | Exams start at 9:30am
(45 minutes and 40 marks per paper)

Certificate will be given for each subject separately.
‘Vaidik Dharma Level- I’ certification will be presented to those students who complete 4 papers with minimum 50% in each paper (Dharma Shiksha will be a compulsory subject)

Rs. 100/- for the first paper | Rs. 50/- for each additional paper (Rs. 350/- for 6 papers)

Level – I Exams for the below 5 subjects will be conducted in both English and Hindi
NaitikShiksha | Sanskrit | Agnihotra | Mantras &Shlokas | Bhajans

Exams will be conducted physically at local Arya Samaj and other similar centers across the country
(Venue options will be shared with applicants at a later date)

9:30 am – 1:00 pm on Sunday, 28th February, 2021
Students can attempt a maximum of 4 papers within this time slot (45 minutes per paper )

Certificate will be given for each subject separately.
‘Vaidik Dharma Level- I’ certification will be presented to those students who complete 4 papers with minimum 50% in each paper (NaitikShiksha will be a compulsory subject)

Rs. 100/- for first paper | Rs. 30/- for additional paper (Rs. 190 for 4 papers)
To remain updated on new sessions, please mail us on vss@davchennai.org or fill in the enquiry form
All rights reserved D.A.V. Group of Schools, Chennai
Powered by InQ Technologies

All rights reserved D.A.V. Group of Schools, Chennai
Powered by InQ Technologies